XpressBio Recombinant Collagenases (COL G and COL H)
High quality Collagenases to improve cell isolation reproducibility, enhancing cell yield.
Recombinant Collagenases COL G (class I) and COL H (class II) can be customized to adapt to the specific research application and guarantee the standardization of the collagenase enzymatic activity.
Benefits of Recombinant Collagenases
Reproducible batches: Avoid batch-to-batch variation. Reliability of results.
Consistency: Consistent results from each experiment. Time saving–cost saving.
Pure collagenase (>99%): No contaminating proteases to obtain more functional cells.
Reagent Flexibility: Customization of blend for the specific application.
High stability (up to 3 years): Product stable at RT or cold storage. No auto-degradation by proteases
Endotoxin-free: No off-shoot toxic effects on cells.
vs. Extractive Collagenases
Blend: mixture of class I and class II, plus other proteases.
Variability in composition: of class I and class II as also batch-to-bacth variation. Researchers need to pre-test batches with waste of time and biological samples.
High variability in the efficiency: The exact composition of the blend is hard to characterize. The activity of each enzyme is not characterized.
Lower stability: Proteases interact with each other.
Residual Trypsin-like activity.
XpressBio solution : The technology
Products : Collagenases
Products : Isolation kits
XPB Cat# Description List Price
CG-001 COL G, 75 U US$ 106
CG-002 COL G, 300 U US$ 336
CG-003 COL G, 750 U US$ 683
CH-001 COL H, 750 U US$ 106
CH-002 COL H, 3000 U US$ 336
CH-003 COL H, 7500 U US$ 683
XPB Cat# DescriptionList Price
CK-3-000 Hepatocytes from Rat Isolation Kit US$ 612
CK-4-000 Islets from Mouse Pancreas Isolation Kit US$ 120
CK-4-001 Islets from Rat Pancreas Isolation Kit US$ 241
CK-5-000 Chondrocytes Isolation Kit US$ 127
CK-6-000 MSCs from Adipose Tissue Isolation Kit US$ 127
CK-7-000 Cardiomyocytes from Rats Isolation Kit US$ 443
Chondrocytes from Cartilage
Hepatocytes from Rat liver
Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) from Lipoaspirate
Islets from Rat Pancreas
Islets from Mouse Pancreas
Fibroblast from Skin
Stem cells from Cardiac Muscle
MSCs from Adipose tissue
Retinal cells from Mouse
Cardiomyocytes from Rat Heart
Coming soon : Hepatocytes from Human liver