Next level mouse DNA sampling and Genotyping without tail biopsies
XPressBio is the worldwide exclusive distributor of the SNOOPLEX FastPrep
SNOOPLEX Highlights
Ready-to-use system for simple, rapid PCR testing
of swab specimens
Fast one-step DNA extraction in just 15 min without
extra pipetting steps
Optimized PCR buffer for small DNA amounts
PCR setup at room temperature thanks to integrated
hot-start technology
Available with 2-types of mouse-specific internal
PCR controls to check successful DNA extraction
and amplification
SNOOPLEX Product description
Snooplex FastPrep is an innovative and highly reliable
all-in-one solution developed by GVG Genetic Monitoring for mouse DNA sampling and genotyping without tail biopsies. It is ideal for improving animal welfare in rodent breeding.
From sampling to complete PCR in three easy steps!
The ready-to-use Snooplex FastPrep kit enables the
DNA extraction and PCR testing of buccal mucosa
swab samples taken from mouse cheeks. Usually, tail
biopsies provide more DNA than extraction from swab
specimens. However, the limited yield of extraction
can be compensated for by using the newly designed
Snooplex lysis buffer for DNA extraction accompanied
by specially formulated, optimized PCR reaction
Kit Contents
Each kit contains the following components:
Sterile, DNA-free swabs, each packed
separately and treated with ethylene oxide x96
Snooplex lysis buffer 1x 10 ml
5x PCR reaction buffer (violet cap) 1x 500 μl
5x Control mix A, B or C (yellow cap)* 1x 500 μl
Taq DNA polymerase (white cap) 1x 100 μl
Nuclease-free water (blue cap) 1x 1.5 ml
*There are 3 types of control mix: A – with 231 bp internal mouse control,
B – with 850 bp internal mouse control, C – with no internal mouse control.
(gel-loading buffer included)
Product Description Cat. no.
Snooplex FastPrep A with 231 bp internal control SFP-A-001
Snooplex FastPrep B with 850 bp internal control SFP-B-001
Snooplex FastPrep C without any internal control SFP-C-001
For 96 reactions.
Price list is at the Downloads page. Products for Research Use Only.
SNOOPLEX Procedure
SNOOPLEX Newborn Mice
GVG scientists have successfully carried out genotyping exercises from swab samples as early as from the first day after birth (see the Newborn Mice Flyer). Technically it works fine. The stress/burden for the animals at this very young stage is not insignificant, but has not been looked at systematically. From our experience, sampling is relatively easy from about day 7.
We have also carried out skin swabs from very young mice. Swab samples were taken from from the axular areas (leg pits). This works also. However, in some cases there is a weak signal – orders of magnitude weaker than the real signal – from the mother animal, most likely due to grooming activities.